Monday, January 5, 2015


Hi! I'm Taylor Holiday, and I'm from Stockton, California.

It is my second semester at BYU. I'm not sure what I want to study yet, but I applied under Athletic Training, and if you ask what my major is, that is what I will tell you.

In high school, I played a lot of sports, and a lot of music.

I played basketball, volleyball, and my main sport was swim. My favorite sport to play is volleyball, and my favorite to watch is basketball.

I hate swimming. Swimming is awful.

I am the youngest of five.
Displaying summers graduation.jpg

We are all pretty spread apart in age, but it has never felt like that.

No, we don't all look alike, but I promise we are related.


1. How tall are you?

I am taller than average, but really not that tall. You're probably just really short. (5'11"-6'0")

2. What are you?
How rude! I am child of God, duh. But I know what you mean, and I am half black and half white. Not much else.

3. Is that a weave?
I haven't gotten this question much at BYU, but no, it is not a weave. It's just genetics and usually hair gel.

For this class, I dunno grammer to good, so I do hope to improve on that even if the Weird Al video was a joke.

Also, I'm excited to learn more about rhetoric. I enjoyed my high school English class that emphasized on using different rhetorical devices.

Hopefully, by the end of this course I will become like one of the great debaters. Someone like Cher, from "Clueless".

That's all you need to know about me!


  1. This post made me laugh! Your writing has a lot of personality :)

  2. Love the humor of your post man! It is really true that most of us are older or younger but, in the end, we all have similarities. I totally understand your grammar concern because that is the same as me. English is great stuff but it is hard at times, but in the end we will all be in the court room duking it out. I mean how hard can it be? We have been speaking this language our whole lives! Right?

  3. Taylor! Your FAQ's are awesome! Also, good job with athletics and whatnot! (yes, swim sucks) Keep on keepin' on!
