Thursday, January 8, 2015

Potential Paper Topics

I wish I was really passionate about something current and meaningful to society, like gun control or animal testing. However, I don't know much about either of the topics. I do know that Graham Canyon seems to be a popular ice cream flavor at BYU. To me, it tastes like coffee flavored candy.

Right now, there's a lot of heavy debates going on across the country about who is to blame in certain civilian shootings by cops.Such as in Ferguson, Missouri. People were rioting everywhere, and they think it is a race issue. I think people have wronged, and been wronged, on both sides of the argument. I don't think that violence is the answer, and I don't think giving cops 24/7 cameras will change the real problem which is people's attitudes.

Speaking of attitudes, one thing I suppose I am passionate about is the messages sent through pop music. I'm from not the nicest neighborhood, in not the nicest city in America. Children growing up need role models. When they don't come from good living situations, they usually choose these rappers, and singers to look up to. They idolize them, yet the majority of their music is about drugs, sex, and money. These youth then believe that, that is what life is about. They get the mindset that "you only live once" and these are the things that matter most. Taking my LDS perspective out of the view, these are the future leaders of America. Is this what our nation is coming to? I propose that the government set stricter rules on what is allowed on daytime radio and tv. Once you're an adult, do whatever you want, but kids are being exposed to worse things than ever before, and it's warping their perspective of the world.

Or, I could write about the honor code, but there's not much to say about it except that it's awesome and Elder Ballard said in stake conference, "You can't murmur about the honor code if you believe in Christ."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't know if it helps your decision making process, but I really like the second topic you summarized. I definitely think society could benefit from listening to more uplifting music!

  2. Sounds like some great topics there Taylor. I think that all of them could have great potential is stirring some opinions. I really do like the last one you put though. It seems a great way to integrate the gospel into a common topic of the world: submission to authorities. Cant wait to hear it!

  3. I think that both topics are very creative and have great potential.
